Saturday 24 May 2014

Woodpeckers and avoiding brain injury

Woodpeckers are classified into the family Picidae, which contains approximately 220 species. They are small birds growing from 9 – 57cm in length and their plumage comes in a range of colours, often barred or spotted. Woodpeckers occur worldwide excluding Australia, New Zealand and Madagascar (The Macmillan Encyclopedia, 2003). Most woodpecker species are arboreal, drilling holes into trees to forage for insects and their lava, as well as one group of specialized woodpeckers that use their brush-like tongues to draw out sap from the tree (Gibson, 2005; The Macmillan Encyclopedia 2003). Although woodpeckers have evolved many adaptive structures, such as their brush like tongues, only the woodpecker’s ability to withstand the extreme forces their repeated pecking puts on their beaks, head and brain will be focused on in this post.

'Red-bellied Woodpecker' Bill Coulson <>

Woodpeckers are capable of repeated pecking at an incredible rate of 6 – 7.5m/s and decelerate on impact in 0.5 – 1.0 milliseconds (Gibson, 2005). These extreme rates of movement and the force of the impact that follows both put immense pressure on the beak, brain and head of the woodpecker. A number of suggestions have been made as to how these birds avoid causing permanent damage over the course of their life, the earlier of which included suggestions of the existence of shock absorbing mechanisms (Bock 1964; Spring 1965). It was found however, that such mechanisms would also reduce the impact force of the woodpecker and therefore reducing its ability to drill into trees (Bock 1999).

In his study, Gibson (2005) examined the scaling effects in brain injury to explain how woodpeckers are able to withstand such high forces impacting on them during deceleration while pecking. Using comparisons between human brains and woodpecker brains, assuming that brain densities are the same between humans and woodpeckers, Gibson (2005) found that woodpeckers are able to withstand injury for acceleration forces 16 times those measured for humans. This value ranges from about 11 – 20 times those measured for humans, for various species of woodpecker. In the same study it was also found that the head of a woodpecker can tolerate accelerations of 4600 – 6000 g, with a variation of 69 – 125% for woodpecker species with smaller or larger brain sizes. It was concluded that the woodpeckers ability to withstand the high acceleration forces acting on them while pecking is due to three main factors: their small size, reducing the stresses on the brain for a given acceleration, the short duration of the impact and the orientation of the brain within the skull, increasing the contact area between the brain and skull.


Bock, W., 1964, Kinetics of the avian skull, Journal of Morphology, vol. 114, pp. 1 - 42
Bock, W., 1999, Functional and evolutionary morphology of woodpeckers, Journal of
African Ornithology, vol. 70, pp. 23 – 31
Gibson, L., 2005, Woodpecker pecking: how woodpeckers avoid brain injury, Journal
of Zoology, vol. 270, pp. 462 – 465
Spring, L., 1965, Climbing and pecking adaptions in some north American
woodpeckers, Condor, vol. 67, pp. 457 – 488
Bill Coulson, 2014, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Flickr, viewed 23 May 2014, 
2003 'Woodpecker' in The Macmillan Encyclopedia, Macmillan Publishers Ltd,

Basingstoke, United Kingdom. Accessed: 23 May 2014, from Credo Reference

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I’m not sure I understand how increasing the contact area between the brain and the skull allows them to withstand such high forces? Please can you clarify. Are their beaks specifically modified morphologically to withstand the high pressure from pecking? Are their beautiful colours driven by sexual selection? Nice post!
